Village of Flat Rock, NC

Park Commission

The Park Commission consists of three to five members appointed by the village council, serving staggered three-year terms. Commission meetings are held the fourth Thursday of each month at 10:00 a.m. and are open to the public under N.C. Open Meetings Law.

The Park Commission works on the development of The Park at Flat Rock, and its responsibilities include the following:

  • Advise and assist the Flat Rock Village Council in the development, operation, and maintenance of The Park at Flat Rock
  • Advise and assist the council in the conceptual design and implementation of the village’s park and recreation system and program
  • Educate its citizens on the positive effects of recreational pursuits on physical fitness and well-being
  • Foster and support recreational and physical fitness opportunities in the Flat Rock community


Village council liaison to the Park Commission: Tom Carpenter

Park Commission members:

Roger Bass Chair
Barry Warthen  Vice Chair
Rachelle Lyons  Secretary
Georgia Bonesteel  
Don Luy ex officio